Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Star Trek: S.C.E. #5: Interphase, Book Two

by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore

The second of a two-part series about the Starfleet Corp. of Engineer's efforts to rescue the derelict U.S.S. Defiant from interphase space provides a more or less satisfying conclusion to the story set up in book one.  Sonya Gomez and her team of engineers are trapped aboard a powerless Defiant in interphase, and must devise a creative solution to reopen the interspatial rift and return to normal space.  Meanwhile, back in normal space, Kieran Duffy finds himself in command of the da Vinci, as the da Vinci's captain, David Gold, is stranded with Gomez and her crew aboard the Defiant.  A group of hostile Tholians has targeted the da Vinci with one of their deadly energy webs, in an eerie parallel of the situation faced by the crew of the Enterprise decades ago.  While the conclusion was a bit abrupt, I enjoyed the mounting tension in this book, and all of the nods to the original series episode The Tholian Web, including cameo appearances by Montgomery Scott and another of the original Enterprise crew.  Together, the two Interphase novels are probably the best of the S.C.E. books to date, and are especially recommended to fans of The Original Series.


  1. I just finished this story. It was well written. I really liked following the character of Duffy as he struggled to assume a command role. This was written before the Enterprise mirror episodes right?

  2. Yes, this was originally published before Enterprise was on the air. Events in those episodes contradict a lot of the continuity established here.
